Electronic Circuit Diagram (Robotgeek sensor shield is attached to Arduino board)


We were assembling Arduino board with Robotgeek sensor shield. A piece of paper was folded and inserted in between the USB port and the shield to avoid short circuit.


We were testing on the tilt sensor to see if it can work properly by using a LED light to provide visual feedback as confirmation.


We were running tests on the situations that either three tilt senors or six sensors were combined and working together.


We were cutting the fuzzy toy dice and taking out its foam body. Only one side of the dice was left open so that we can put everything back into it again afterwards.


We were placing all the sensors on the surface of the foam body by using rubber bands. Each sensor was facing the side with a specific number they were representing.


We were using our sketches to figure out the mapping relationships between numbers on each side of the dice and their corresponding I/O ports on the sensor shield.


We were shaping the foam body of the dice in a measured manner so that Arduino board as well as sensor shield can be fit inside well.


After we placed the board and the shield into the groove we cut, we were installing all the sensors and color coding each wire with color pens and scotch tape.


We used five different colors to mark five pieces of scotch tape separately. They were pasted on five wires respectively and the last one was left blank so that we were able to distinguish them.


We were fixing all the tilt sensors and wires around the surface of the foam cube by applying scotch tape. It allowed us to alter the arrangement without irrevocable settlement.


Finally this integrated interactive system was into the red dice cover. The opening was sealed by using safety pins. One small hole was cut on the side with figure 3 in order to plug in USB power port.